March 2025 President’s Letter
Dear Kaligrafos members,
We had a great Valentine Social last month with lots of new faces and some faces we had been missing for a while. Thank you for being there. An interesting twist and sign of the times was the one valentine item that included fresh eggs. I hope they were good! Congratulations to the raffle winners with thanks to the volunteers who once again banded together, even at the last minute, to make this a great event! There were some wonderful items donated for the raffle (thank you).
We had a wonderful exchange of the best and most innovative Valentine cards and items to be found in Dallas, Texas!
As you do your calligraphy supply spring cleaning, it might be a good opportunity to dust off an old tool or material that you have not used in a while and incorporate into your routine. Some of us have plenty to choose from. Or maybe you want to try something new. With the wonderful workshops we have been having this year the difficult part may be choosing what you want to work on. When you decide what to do don’t forget to bring your work to show and tell at the meeting. I will set aside a few minutes in the meeting for you to describe your thought process and how you did what you did. It is always amazing to see your creativity.
If you have not already signed up for the afternoon workshop on Leaf Script Letterswith Jeri it is not too late. When you sign up for workshops remember that if you use Paypal the processing fees are part of the charge now. To avoid the fees you can pay by cash, check or Zelle (treasurer@kaligrafos).
See you at the meeting!
Randy Stewart
President of Kaligrafos